Hail Damage in Highlands Ranch, CO?
Let Us Work With Your Insurance Provider
Roofing Company in Highlands Ranch, CO
You’ve Been Hit By A Storm! What’s Next?
When you’ve been hit by a storm, it can have a serious impact on your home and your peace of mind. The elements can be unfriendly and cause unforeseen damages to your roof. If your home is hit hard enough and damages to your roof occur, our roofing company in Highlands Ranch, CO can help. Damage to your roof should be assessed and repaired right away by a professional. The experts at Key Roofing & Exteriors are prepared to provide superior roof repairs with white glove service to assist homeowners.
What To Expect From Professional Roofing Services
If your roof has been damaged from a storm, you’re not alone. Each year violent weather causes billions of dollars in damages, according to the Insurance Information Institute. In fact, hail is the number one culprit behind roof damage for unsuspecting homeowners. At Key Roofing & Exteriors, we’re dedicated to professional, compassionate roofing services for our clients. When hail, wind, snow, or excessive rain has damaged your roof, we work hard to get your home back on track after a storm. Customers can expect a thorough inspection of the damages and immediate professional repairs to their roof. In fact, we’re also your one-stop advocates with your insurance company when it’s time to file a homeowner’s claim.
History of Hail Storms in Highlands Ranch, CO

First Colorado White Glove Roofing Services
Dealing with the insurance company after a storm can be complicated, but Key Roofing & Exteriors provides white glove services that gives homeowner’s advocacy in their time of need. We’ll work with your insurance company to make sure you get the most from your insurance claim. We take away the worry of filing an insurance claim and get the repairs done right. Each client is given personalized attention after a storm. Your peace of mind matters to us at Key Roofing & Exteriors!
We believe our clients should be able to rely on quality services when their roof has been damaged. We understand your home is more than just an investment. Our advocates care about your home as if it were their own. We want to provide our customers with more than professional roofing services, which is why we’re the first roofing company in Highlands Ranch, CO dedicated to provide our customers with outstanding white glove service.
What Separates Key Roofing & Exteriors From The Competition
At Key Roofing & Exteriors we know that as a homeowner who has damage to their home, you want to be confident in the repairs. In order to do that, you need quality restoration for your home. The problem is you don’t know where to start which can make you feel frustrated, and afraid of getting ripped off. We believe you deserve to have someone care about your home like you do. We understand your home is important to you which is why we’ve helped thousands of homeowners with their home restoration.
Here’s what we do:

Schedule an inspection

We'll walk you through your insurance claim

We Do The Repairs So You Get Your Life Back
Let us do the work so you can get back to your life. So, schedule an inspection and breathe easy knowing your repairs will be done right!
You’re invited to contact us at Key Roofing & Exteriors today!